is a magical place in many lands and not so far away... Most sacred of places
where the presence of a loving Heavenly Father can be felt. All covered in
white and a haven from the world. A place even better than Disney World (and
that friends is saying something). A place where happily ever after begins but
there is never an end!
Alright so a couple days ago I posted a picture of the Temple for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Denver Colorado. I asked questions about what people understand of the temple. Here is my testimony and little overview of the temple and what it is? Why we have it? AND Who it's for?
First and foremost the Temple is the house of God. Just like in the times of the old and new testaments with Solomons temple. It is a place of teaching and learning. Just as the days of the Savior who sat and taught in the temple. We believe that with the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ was also the restoration of the building of temples.
For members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints it is central part of everything we believe. It is a place where we show our love for our Heavenly Father and his Son Jesus Christ through making Covenants, or promises with our Heavenly Father. It is a wonderful place where we can feel the love our Heavenly Father has for all his Children. This is a place where we prepare and learn to live with God again.

Now because we firmly believe that God loves all his children, he gives them as many chances as possible to return and live with him again. Temples help make that possible. Inside the Temple we are able to make covenants (promises) for ourselves and for those who have passed away.
We believe in what is called the Plan of Salvation or God's plan for us (planning another blog on that soon). We believe that after this life we go to the spirit world where we get to continue to learn and grow and prepare to live with God again. We do temple work for those who have passed away who maybe didn't have the chance to make those promises with God while they lived on the earth. For example baptism.
By doing work for ourselves and those who have gone before we are able to fully bind ourselves together just like it talks about in:
Matthew 16:19
19 And I willa give unto thee the b keys of the c kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt d bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
We believe that those "keys of the kingdom" were restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith and through those "keys" we are able to do the work in the temple and bind families together for all eternity!
We hold the family as sacred in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints because it is foundational to prepare to live with our Heavenly Father again. I know that God loves all his children and he gave us these wonderful places where we can learn and grow and come closer to him on this earth.
I want to add my sincere testimony that I love the Temple with every part of my heart. It is truly the most magical place on earth. I know that when you are in the Temple you stand in the presence of God. I know that Joseph Smith restored the priesthood "keys to the kingdom." I know that through the work done in the Temple we can be with our families for all eternity. I have a deep love for my Heavenly Father and for his Son Jesus Christ and the work that is being done right now so that we can all return and live with them again!
If you have any questions about the Temple and what it is feel free to ask at any time!
Love you all and have a magical day!
Sister-Michayla Egbert
We believe in what is called the Plan of Salvation or God's plan for us (planning another blog on that soon). We believe that after this life we go to the spirit world where we get to continue to learn and grow and prepare to live with God again. We do temple work for those who have passed away who maybe didn't have the chance to make those promises with God while they lived on the earth. For example baptism.
By doing work for ourselves and those who have gone before we are able to fully bind ourselves together just like it talks about in:
Matthew 16:19
19 And I will
We believe that those "keys of the kingdom" were restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith and through those "keys" we are able to do the work in the temple and bind families together for all eternity!
We hold the family as sacred in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints because it is foundational to prepare to live with our Heavenly Father again. I know that God loves all his children and he gave us these wonderful places where we can learn and grow and come closer to him on this earth.

If you have any questions about the Temple and what it is feel free to ask at any time!
Love you all and have a magical day!
Sister-Michayla Egbert