On this day 170 years ago the Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother were killed at Carthage Jail, they gave everything to the restoration of the gospel and with their sacrifice is sealed a testimony of the Book of Mormon and the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Today I want to share my testimony of Joseph Smith and how I believe that he truly was a prophet called by God to restore Jesus Christ' church on the earth! I remember when I first felt for myself that he truly was a prophet called by God. It was in December of 2005. My youth group at church was putting on a presentation about his life and I was just finished reading the challenge to read the Book of Mormon. I had read alone and with my family but it was the first time I had really thought about asking of it's truth and first time I had really read through the whole thing mostly alone.
I remember in the presentation we all portrayed different characters from the story of Joseph's life. I portrayed a great grandmother who was mother to my great grandfather who witnessed the death of Joseph Smith. I remember very clearly during the practices and the actual event the sprit I felt as we sang and remembered this servant of God. I prayed to know if he was truly a prophet and I received my answer in a very wonderful real way.
I received a testimony of Joseph Smith and his mission to teach and testify of Jesus Christ. I am grateful for all he did and gave to the restoration of the Gospel. I decided to share my grandpa's experience of what he witnessed and saw. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet. I know the Book of Mormon was translated by him though the Power of God which was given to him. I know we saw God the Father and Jesus Christ and I am so incredibly grateful for the knowledge I have and the incredible joy it gives me in my life! I invite all to read the Book of Mormon and to ask for themselves if the Book is true and if Joseph Smith really was a prophet!

Witness to Martyrdom of Prophet Joseph Smith -- Twelve year old Henry Martin Harmon was a resident of Carthage, Illinois on the fateful day of June 27, 1844. Two years earlier his father, Alpheus, froze to death while returning to Nauvoo from a mission for the Church, leaving a widow Hulda, and nine small children. The family had lived in Carthage since his mother's marriage to Loren Bassett, a non-member.
Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum had been in the Carthage Jail for several days and rumors were rampant that the Smiths would never be allowed to leave the jail alive. Mobs were reported organizing to attack the jail. Perhaps it was to watch for mobs that Henry stationed himself in the cupola of the courthouse. From there he saw the anti-Mormon mob make its appearance from the west.
Leaving the courthouse, he arrived at the jail at about the same time the mobsters did. Their faces were painted black and most of them wore the uniform of the militia from the neighboring town of Warsaw.
Henry reported, "I saw the mob rush upon the guards who were stationed at the jail, when the guards fired on them, a scuffle ensued. Some of the mob went into the jail and I heard reports of the guns fired inside. Joseph Smith came to the window, and then went back, and in a few moments appeared again, and leaped from the window, when the mob fired upon him and he fell dead. The fifer of the Warsaw company came running into the jail yard as Joseph fell dead, and brandishing his fife over Joseph, triumphantly exclaimed, 'You were the ruination of my father. I will have revenge', and struck him several times on the head with his pewter fife, then fled with the company toward Warsaw".
Henry returned home to tell his mother of the tragic scene he had witnessed. Years later, Henry Martin Harmon told his sorrowful story again, this time to a recorder in the Church Historian's office in Salt Lake City, where his testimony has been preserved.

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