The Priesthood is the authority and power that God gives to man to act in all
things for the salvation of man.
things for the salvation of man.

One thing that people ask a lot is: what makes you guys different from other Christian religions? One thing is that we believe that the priesthood power has been restored to the earth through a prophet.
The priesthood is the literal power of God given to men to act in his name. It is with that power that we preform special ordinances like baptism. It is also through the priesthood power that miracles happen, like healing the sick and bringing comfort... etc. It is through the priesthood that families can be sealed for time and all eternity. And so much more!
I love the priesthood and the knowledge that Heavenly Father is the "same yesterday, today and forever." Of course he would call prophets again and of course he would give them his power once more to administer his sacred ordinances. It was through the priesthood power that the earth was created, that Moses parted the Red Sea and that Jesus Christ preformed miracles. It was also through that sacred priesthood power that he preformed an infinite atonement, paying the price for every sin and wrong we commit in this life. It is the same priesthood that Jesus Christ gave to his apostles before he was crucified.

Just like Jesus Christ gave it to his apostles, his apostles came and gave it to Joseph Smith. It is now given to all worthy men in the church who have kept worthy and true to their covenants. A covenant is a promise we make with Heavenly Father only with the priesthood power. One example is the covenant of baptism. When we are baptized by a man holding the priesthood power we promise that we will keep the commandments of The Lord, we will take upon us the name of Jesus Christ and we promise to always remember him! In return Heavenly Father promises that his spirit to always be with us. Not a bad deal I must say! There are so many other beautiful promises or covenants that we make with Heavenly Father to help us on the path home to him.
I want all to know I love and honor the priesthood with every piece of my heart. I have experienced the making of covenants and many times experienced the miracles brought forth by proper use of the priesthood. I don't need to be a holder of the priesthood to have total access to all the blessings and promises that come from The Lord. I want all to know how sacred this power is and what an honor it is to be in a time where we can have total access to these incredible blessings and eternal promises. I truly cannot express to you my joy and true happiness that comes when I think of the restoration of the priesthood. This is the day that we all waited for from before this life. The day we cheered for!
I know the priesthood is the power of The true and living God. I know that he has entrusted his power to those worthy who submit to him and his promises. I know that there is living prophet on the earth named Thomas S. Monson and twelve apostles just like in the time of Jesus Christ. I know Jesus Christ is the head of this church, through the priesthood these leaders are able to receive just what we need to return home. I am so grateful for the knowledge I have and the chance I have to grow in knowledge and have even more. So much brought because of the priesthood! I will always honor and uphold the priesthood and those worthy men in my life who hold it! Heavenly Father lives! He loves us and he wants us to come home! That is why he gave us the priesthood!
Love you all and have a magical day!
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