The other day we were visiting with someone a good friend here on the mission and we were talking about Jesus Christ and things we do to firm him as our foundation. As we were talking an idea came to this friend of ours and he told us that it was like the three little pigs and the big bad wolf. As he explained my inner parable bone started aching to share. Just know this wasn't my idea but I liked it so much I just had to share.
We are told of the strength and power of having a firm foundation in the Book of Mormon in Helaman 5:15 it talks about the promise of building on the rock that is Jesus Christ:

12 "And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall."
In our little children's story you have our friends the three little pigs. I am sure you know the story, the first little pig builds his home out of straw, a super quick easy way to build and be done. Sure he's done quick but as the big bad wolf comes along we know just how much quicker that little pig is no longer with us. Then there is our second little pig friend. He builds his house out of sticks, sure it's more sturdy, had to work a bit harder probably had to cut the sticks himself and carry them over, but still the faster way to be done. Big bad wolf comes along and probably has to blow harder but before you know it the second pig is in the belly of the beast. Then we have our third, much wiser pig friend. He chooses brick... Is brick easy? Nope! Is brick fast? Nope! Is it a lot more work to build a brick structure? Yup! Does the big bad wolf get to our brick friend? Nope! He is safe within his walls of fortified foundation.It's the same way in life. We are sent here to prepare ourselves and our personal structures to live with Heavenly Father again. Just like these little pigs there will be tests and trials and a big bad wolf that wants nothing more that our destruction. That big bad wolf knows many cunning ways to break down a structure and his blow is getting more powerful. Which means we have to fortify or strengthen our own structures, not just with straw or sticks, but with brick.
There was a talk a few years ago from an apostle in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints called good, better, best! As I was thinking about this little parable I was thinking of that talk and how so many times we settle for good and better instead of going out to see if there is a best. So many times we build ourselves upon straw and sticks knowing that there is probably something more out there but to lazy, busy or comfortable to go and put the little bit of extra elbow grease in. Sure the straw and sticks will give us a temporary shelter but when the "devil sends forth his mighty winds" we won't last too long.
So how do we fortify our foundation? How do we go for the BEST? How do we build our house out of brick? Well first of all roll up your selves and make the choice right now to want to be safe, to want to build yourself against the storms and the blowing a of the big bad wolf. When you have made that choice then make the choice to follow the example and words of our dear Savior by following and living the commandments and the gospel of Jesus Christ. To live the gospel of Jesus Christ we believe that you must:
1 Have faith in Jesus Christ
2 Repent
3 Be baptized
4 Receive the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands
5 Endure to the end
All these wonderful steps help us come closer to our Savior and our Heavenly Father. These steps lay out the path, the strait and narrow way for us to return home. I want to to talk more about these five steps and other ways to fortify and strengthen our foundations, but I am writing far too much... Sooo next time. Until next time I want you to think about your foundation? What are you building on? Are you going for best, or settling for good and better? Think of what you do everyday to build and fortify your foundation?
Until next post have a magical day my friends!
Love ya!