Okay time for a LONG over dew blog post! I have actually really missed blogging! It's nice to be back! I have been working hard on some other projects but now it's time to come back a little!
So last this January my family took a visit to Hawaii, it was a lot of fun, in fact it was quite an adventure! Not only full of fun memories but also packed full of spiritual experiences. A lot of these experiences had to do with rocks! If you know me at all you might know that I think rocks are really cool. I love their strength and protection and foundation!
As I sat watching the sun rise on the stunning Hawaiian beaches I thought of the future and what will be next for this Colorado Cowgirl... I have been thinking a whole lot about the future, I won't lie it's been a little stressful and I am very nervous about what the future holds but also very excited!Back to the rocks... As I sat and watched the waves burst onto the strong jagged rocks I thought of the importance of building up a rock solid foundation. Today I am going to share a series of random lessons I learned...
"12 And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the ROCK of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty stormshall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall."
I think that it's cool that was one of the first adventures I went on after my mission, and that so many spiritual experiences came from rocks which automatically led me to this scripture... This scripture is very special to me, and will hopefully be for the rest of my life. On my mission I got a incredibly strong prompting that this verse needs to be a focus of my life and my home, now and in the future. As we learn from this scripture and the rocks, the storms WILL come, the waves won't stop but if we build on that rock and work to become a rock ourselves, if we have that foundation we "cannot fall"!

One thing that became very apparent to me as I watch wave after wave beat on the steadfast rocks is I need to be like these rocks... We all do, as we truly build on that foundation of Jesus Christ and actually take his name upon us through baptism and confirmation we become rocks ourselves. As his representatives and his rocks we have to stand steadfast ready as examples of his truth and foundation. We know that the waves will come and they will only beat harder. As we work to strengthen our conversion and our foundation in Christ we will find ourselves as rocks for those around us! Don't be moved my friends! Stand fast!!
Wait a second... Rocks don't grow... As I walked the rocks taking many pictures and enjoying the scenery I quickly noticed the amazing amount of life on and in these beach side rocks. There were tide pools full of snails, crabs, fish, moss and other living creatures. There were crabs that clung to the strong corners, for dear life as the tide came. Also as we snorkeled about we quickly noticed that the most life was in the rocks which had become home to beautiful life filled corral and a plethora of colorful fish! Then there was the growth outside of the sea. Because most of it was volcanic rock it was quite fertile which added to the beauty outward.

I also learned some about trial as I climbed those jagged rocks... One day as I was climbing around to take pictures I hit some moss on a rock wrong and fell into the ocean... with my brothers very nice camera... Did you know salt water is really bad on cameras? Haha well it is!! Even with this rough moment I still learned a thing or two and felt incredibly guilty in the whole process. As I went back to face my father and my brother they both forgave me and realized that it totally was an accident. They even laughed a little at my clumsiness, which only caused me to cry more. Sometimes in our lives we will have our trips and falls on the rocks and it's going to hurt but we will always have a loving Heavenly Father waiting there for us with arms full of forgiveness! We just have to come to him in submission and honestly tell him our mistake!
One of my favorite lessons from the rocky Hawaiian shore was the importance of adventure. As I walked down the shore climbing over the large sharp volcanic rocks I felt that familiar passion for adventure! As children of God I believe we have an inherit passion for adventure... Admit it, no matter who you are you have some sort of yearn for a good adventure... As I climbed and hopped and searched about I found many wonderful things. I found priceless picture opportunities, unique and fascinating creatures and an overall closer relationship with my Heavenly Father and this beautiful world he created for us. Don't ever forget about the importance of adventure my friends! Adventure is part of our purpose in this world. "ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE!"